New Clara Ponty Album – ‘Face to the Sun’
I’m happy to see that this album is now available!
I have good memories of tracking drums with the amazing Stuart Bruce at his studio in Batheaston, over a course of 5 late night sessions. The tracks were fun to work on as they are a little quirky and we did some really interesting things in the way that we tracked them. I used a combination of my DW kit and vintage snare drums to get different characterful drum sounds. We tracked the drum parts in a very experimental way by running ideas and recording everything, then sitting back and composing the drum tracks through the many ideas that I tried. This is not the usual way to track of course but it helped us to come up with some interesting parts that I then had to orchestrate and write out and reproduce as solid takes! LOL
It worked though and I love these kind of challenges, it’s just so creative and I love being challenged in this way.
Check out the record I think it’s a great album!