I really enjoyed the Palace Drum Camp in February, it was bliss to spend so much time in the company of so many great drumming friends and enthusiastic drummers.
It was 3 days of drumming, laughing and top conversation with everyone who attended. It is heart warming to know that drummers are still the only muso’s that really love sharing their knowledge and stories with each other. There are no secrets or ‘hey man, that’s my lick‘ type stuff, just everybody spreading the drumming love!
Along with myself it was Pete Cater, Ian Palmer, Garry Allcock and Matthew Green all giving masterclasses’ and workshops.
Matt Green the organiser is a legend and I hope that we do the same again next year, if you didn’t come along then sign up for the next one you will not regret it!

Komedia ‘Live’ & DW Drums online Masterclass!
/in Clinics, Kit, News, Workshops /by robbI’m very happy to announce that I’ll be performing an online masterclass from Komedia-Bath in conjunction with DW Drums and Komedia Live.
This will stream live at 7:30 GMT on Tuesday September the 15th via my YouTube channel so subscribe now for more updates and footage about the show: www.youtube.com/user/ringofunk11
More news to follow . . .
Facebook Live Chat!
/in Clinics, Kit, News, Workshops /by robbLooking forward to this Facebook live chat Thursday the 18th of June at 11am UK time!
Tune in and let’s talk about music, drums and these great sounding cymbals made by Vulcan!!
Online drum lessons!
/in Clinics, Kit, News, Uncategorized, Workshops /by robbOnline lessons are available now for all drummers out there looking to improve technique, musicality, timing, feel, studio experience, soloing, or maybe you want to talk about how to get on in the music industry. I can cover all these topics and more, including chatting about the artists that I’ve worked with and pass on lots of pro’ muso tips.
Email for further info and word on the special rates that I’m offering in these troubled times.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Email: robert.brian70@gmail.com
New Clara Ponty Album – ‘Face to the Sun’
/in News, Recording /by robbI’m happy to see that this album is now available!
I have good memories of tracking drums with the amazing Stuart Bruce at his studio in Batheaston, over a course of 5 late night sessions. The tracks were fun to work on as they are a little quirky and we did some really interesting things in the way that we tracked them. I used a combination of my DW kit and vintage snare drums to get different characterful drum sounds. We tracked the drum parts in a very experimental way by running ideas and recording everything, then sitting back and composing the drum tracks through the many ideas that I tried. This is not the usual way to track of course but it helped us to come up with some interesting parts that I then had to orchestrate and write out and reproduce as solid takes! LOL
It worked though and I love these kind of challenges, it’s just so creative and I love being challenged in this way.
Check out the record I think it’s a great album!
Recording My Solo Project!
/in Kit, News, Recording /by robbI have been working on some music over the past 3 years, secretly beavering away writing stuff on my laptop between tours, sessions and life!
These ideas and songs are finally seeing the light of day and I’ve started putting ‘live’ drums down and running sessions with various friends coming in to play on tracks. I am thoroughly enjoying the process which I’m doing here & there in-between everything else that I’m involved with.
I am hoping an EP will be available over the next few months, so watch this space and I look forward to sharing it with you.
Rob x
The Palace Drum Camp.
/in Clinics, Kit, News, Workshops /by robbI really enjoyed the Palace Drum Camp in February, it was bliss to spend so much time in the company of so many great drumming friends and enthusiastic drummers.
It was 3 days of drumming, laughing and top conversation with everyone who attended. It is heart warming to know that drummers are still the only muso’s that really love sharing their knowledge and stories with each other. There are no secrets or ‘hey man, that’s my lick‘ type stuff, just everybody spreading the drumming love!
Along with myself it was Pete Cater, Ian Palmer, Garry Allcock and Matthew Green all giving masterclasses’ and workshops.
Matt Green the organiser is a legend and I hope that we do the same again next year, if you didn’t come along then sign up for the next one you will not regret it!
Goodbye to Dad Xxx
/in News /by robbI lost my Father on February the 14th and things have been a little difficult ever since.
I have a great family and support system of friends here who have been there and continue to be there for me, for which I’ll forever be grateful.
I have been a little quiet here for obvious reasons, but now I feel that I’m ready to share recent events and keep you up to date with everything thats been happening.
I miss you Dad but thank you so much for sharing your love of drumming & music with me. Also, for being a great Dad who always pushed me and wanted the best for me………We all miss you.
Big love Xxxxxxx
Rob featured in Italian Drum Club magazine!
/in Clinics, Gigs, Kit, News, Recording, Workshops /by robbWhilst on tour in Italy last year with Canadian world music artist Loreena McKennitt, I was interviewed by the wonderful Patrizio and Viola for the Italian drum magazine Drum Club. The article is in this months copy of the magazine which is now available to buy or order online: www.drumclubmagazine.com
It’s my first feature in a non-UK or USA drum magazine and I hope to have more dealings with the magazine in the future.
(I even got top billing over Mike Portnoy!)
Instinct Sounds drum clinic.
/in Clinics, Kit, News, Workshops /by robbIt was great to perform a masterclass in my local area a few weeks ago for the drum students at Instinct Sounds in Chippenham. It was another fab evening meeting drummers of all ages and levels, great questions were asked and it was a very interactive crowd. I hope to return again to perform some more workshops with organiser & owner Joseph De Berker.
Watch this space!
Rob visits Barnsley’s drummers.
/in Clinics, Kit, Workshops /by robbI really enjoyed visiting Barnsley and performing a workshop and masterclass for many up and coming drummers in the area. It was a great trip and I met so many enthusiastic young drummers who all played so well!
Local drum tutors Keith Ramskill and Bob Wynne were there with their pupils and helped make the evening such a great success. Alex Francis at Barnsley Music Hub arranged the evening with Keith and I can’t wait to travel back up and play for all those guys again…Keep on drumming guys and good luck!